Обновления VVDI2************************************************************************
*** 2015-09-19
*** Require firmware V2.0.5
===== User Manual =====
Please Read user manual carefully. For other question contact dealer
1. VVDI2 - OverView V1.1 (English and Chinese Simplified)
2. VVDI2 - VAG User Manual V1.1 (English and Chinese Simplified)
===== VAG V1.0.7 =====
1. Add new type for 2013 NEC24C64(0821), 2013 NEC24C64 TFT color display(0703)
2. Fix change KM for Touareg(2010-), A6(2012-), A7, A8(2011-), see detail in VAG user manual
3. Add method for decrypt Marelli ECU(nec35xx type)PIN, CS. Can use for OBD lost all key, Special function->Dump Tool->ECU marelli(Benzin, MM7GV)
4. Fix bug for add key in NEC35xx type
5. Fix bug for key learn in touareg(KWP2000), bentley(KWP2000)
6. Fix bug for key learn in touareg with TP1.6 protocol
7. Fix bug for key learn with immo data(Motorola 9S12XHZ512 type)
8. Fix language error
9. Bugfix
===== BMW V1.0.7 =====
1. Fix bug for BMW mini CAS3+ encrypt version make key via OBDII(9221719 version)
===== Transponder Programmer V1.0.7 =====
1. Fix bug for Koleos 9S12 make key with PCF7936 transponder
2. Fix bug for VAG search 7th byte CS
3. Add new for immo data tool: Mitsubishi L200 (25320), Pajero 25320
4. Bugfix
===== J2534 V1.0.3 =====
1. PassThru configuartion V1.0.3 released
2. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V1.0.5 =====
1. Show device authorize information (require V2.0.5 firmware)
2. Fix bug for download latest software in some 64bit PC
*** 2015-08-27
*** Require firmware V2.0.4
===== User Manual =====
Please Read user manual carefully. For other question contact dealer
1. VVDI2 - OverView V1.0 (English and Chinese Simplified)
2. VVDI2 - Install Software and Driver V1.0 (English and Chinese Simplified)
3. VVDI2 - Update Online V1.0 (English and Chinese Simplified)
===== VAG V1.0.6 =====
1. Fix bug for part BCM2 read with immo5 BDM plugin error
2. Fix bug for part A8(-2011) change KM error
3. Bugfix
===== BMW V1.0.6 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V1.0.6 =====
1. Add new type for Range Rover(Immobox have this situation: lost all key, and ordered new key in service, then add new key)
2. Fix bug for HITAG2 Biphase coding
3. Fix bug for MEGAMOS 48 (OEM) R/W error
4. Bugfix
===== J2534 V1.0.2 =====
1. Fix bug for ISO9141, ISO14230 in ODIS, VAS5054
2. Add K-Line PIN set option in PassThru Configuration
3. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V1.0.4 =====
1. Show installer verison in title
*** 2015-08-21
*** Require firmware V2.0.3
===== Remote frequency test =====
1. Support calibration for frequency testing
===== VAG V1.0.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== BMW V1.0.5 =====
1. Fix bug for CAS3+ encrypt version make dealer key
2. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V1.0.5 =====
1. New transponder list in transponder programmer
2. Fix bug for write eeprom in Hitag2 Extended
3. Bugfix
===== J2534 V1.0.1 =====
1. Add support for 3rd part software: ODIS, VAS5054
===== Online Upate Tool V1.0.4 =====
1. Add function: obtain latest update information
2. Add function: display old update information
3. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V1.0.3 =====
1. Add support for PassThru Configuration
*** 2015-08-15
*** Require firmware V2.0.2
===== VAG V1.0.4 =====
1. Add a new function for A6/Q7/Allroad reading J518 EEPROM with working key.
Some 9S12DT256 can read with 9S12DT128 method, this will save a false EEPROM only with PIN, CS, power class
This false EEPROM only can make dealer key and learn key
2. Update software language infromation
3. Bugfix
===== BMW V1.0.4 =====
1. Fix bug for CAS3+ encrypt version make dealer key
2. Update software language infromation
3. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V1.0.4 =====
1. Add new type for read Hitag2 EEPROM(standard)
2. Add new type for read/write Hitag2 Extended (GM car key)
3. Add new type for read Hitag3 (Nissan)
4. Fix bug for immo data tool: Porsche make key
5. Add new for immo data tool: Rover Discovery 3
6. Add new for immo data tool: Greate Wall Delphi immobox
7. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V1.0.3 =====
1. You can get the newest software from menu->Software Update
*** Test Version
VAG V1.0.3 Public test version
VAG V1.0.2 Beta test version
VAG V1.0.1 Beta test version
BMW V1.0.3 Public test version
BMW V1.0.2 Beta test version
BMW V1.0.1 Beta test version
Transponder Programmer V1.0.3 Public test version
Transponder Programmer V1.0.2 Beta test version
Transponder Programmer V1.0.1 Beta test version
Online Upate Tool V1.0.2 Beta test version
Online Upate Tool V1.0.1 Beta test version